Huygensstraat 15 - 2721 LT Zoetermeer
Ondergrondse lusdetector CS-303-FP-50, gemakkelijke single cut installatie., IP69, 12-30V, 5 of 10m kabel. Deze ondergrondse lusdetector wordt gebruikt voor voertuigdetectie bij automatische poorten/hekken, drive thru’s, car washe, industriele deuren en meer.
Vehicle detector, under ground install., IP69, 12-30V, 5 or 10m cable.
CS CarSense vehicle detector. CS303-FP50 flat sensor with 50ft cable used for vehicle access control.
Unlike loop detectors, this does not require multiple cuts and corner reliefs for installation. Simple cut a single straight cut for the cable. Drill a hole to install the sensor vertically or widen a straight cut for horizontal mounting.
The CarSense 303 features advanced 3-axis, magnetoresistive sensing technology. The sensor measures Earthâs magnetic field and responds to disturbances caused by ferrous objects. The CS303 combines this exciting new technology with a field-proven hardware platform to produce a high-sensitivity, compact, cost-effective solution for reliable vehicle detection. Three sensing elements provide magnetic field measurement in the X, Y and Z axes, improving detection sensitivity.